World Kindness Day

Yesterday was World Kindness Day.  I am a day late, but if we have ever needed kindness in the world, it is now.   So, late or not, here goes!

2020 hasn’t been a particularly kindly year.   Everyone has been affected by the effects of a global pandemic – some obviously more than others – but suffering isn’t a contest.  It has been hard and we have all struggled at times.

We are always encouraged to be kind and we know that it is never acceptable to be unkind.  But let’s face it – none of us are perfect and we have all had our moments this year.  We have also been on the receiving end of someone else’s bad moments.   Right now, we just have to keep trying – to be kind and to give others a little more leeway when they are not as kind to us as we feel they could be. 

This year, and every year, one of the most important things to remember is to be kind to ourselves.  We know what we are going through. We know how we are being affected by it. We know others are  busy dealing with their own struggles.  We need to take the time and make the effort to nurture ourselves so that we have it in us to nurture others.

It is okay to need kindness in these troubled times and it is ok be the kindness we need. 🤗

Really, it is okay! 😊

9 thoughts on “World Kindness Day

  1. Nope – this one is Cason. He just turned 2 and he is so funny. I don’t know how many people need to be reminded to be kind to themselves but I come from a long line of martyrs so I could sure have used a few reminders through the years.

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