December 17th

My Father with my son Danny💞

Today marks the 27th anniversary of my Father’s passing. This week is always intense for me. My Father was a good man and he lived a good life – but his passing was the result of five years of pain and grief, as sinus cancer ravaged his body and our lives. His passing was a devastating and heart wrenching relief and blessing – set against a full blown stage of Christmas flowers and decorations, Christmas carols, and of course a raging, frigid blizzard. It was, and still is memorable.

This year, this week is particularly intense. This year, many have lost loved ones due to the Covid 19 pandemic that continues to rage. Many of those lost have been elderly parents, grandparents and loved ones. Everytime I hear another horror story of a nursing home that has been overwhelmed with cases of this brutal virus, I think of my parents and I feel for the residents and their families. I know what it means to be with loved ones when their time has come. I know that it is irrelevant how long a person has lived, or how much they have done or been through in their lives. I know how important it is for the elderly and their families to experience compassionate, loving final hours and days. When it is all that is left, it is everything.

I could go off the rails here and rage about those who protest wearing masks, or spread bullshit about the virus conspiracy, or complain about missing sports or holidays, or whine about whatever else is disrupting their pathetic self-centred lives. I could, but this blog is a tribute to my Father, so this is not the time or place.

I will just take this opportunity to express gratitude for all who have stepped up this year to do their a part – the medical personnel, the caregivers, the support workers, the truck drivers, the store clerks, the teachers, the suppliers of all essential services and products, the politicians who have worked together in good faith with the medical community, the teenagers who have supported their families and their communities, those who have followed health guidelines and done everything possible to protect themselves, their families and their communities. To everyone who has done their part, thank you. 💖

I would also take this opportunity to share my thoughts and prayers and condolences for anyone, anywhere, who has lost loved ones, or who has been separated from their loved ones throughout this pandemic. My heart goes out to you. 💖

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to share my thoughts and prayers and condolences for those who have been personally affected by the Covid 19 outbreak at Parkside Extendicare in Regina. In one, two hundred resident, senior’s care home – within three and a half weeks – there have been one hundred and sixty residents who have tested positive, many who have become severely ill – twenty residents who have passed away – plus eighty six care workers who have tested positive. There have been many from the community that have gone in to assist – paramedics from the Regina Fire Department, doctors and nurses and support workers from SHA, all risking their own health and well-being.    The statistics are staggering. The reality for all affected – residents and their families and their caregivers have been beyond devastating. I am so sorry for all you have been going through – all you continue to go through. 💖

Dedicated to my Father – Rest in Peace, Dad. You will always be a part of me & a part of my life💖

16 thoughts on “December 17th

  1. My dad died near Christmas 2012. It does seem like a strange thing . Decorations&cheer and your heart is torn up.
    I do find it suspicious that nursing homes have so many infections and deaths. I remember being told to stay home if we were even slightly sick.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t think it is at all suspicious. A lot of care workers and nurses are married to shift workers at mines and industrial plants where there is no legitimate opportunity for social distancing – and lots of them have school aged children.


  3. Grief doesn’t have an expiration date and can sneak up on you anytime. Our losses are painful, especially anniversaries near holidays which can be debilitating. My big brother died when he was 12 and I was 7 over 60 years ago and the pain from that loss is still palpable. I’m so sorry for your loss Anne Marie. May you find peace and comfort…

    Liked by 3 people

  4. We lost a family member to cancer in October, she died at home. There was no funeral One more horrid reality we all have been dealing with. Not being able to be with a loved one during their last bit of time on earth, not to be able to comfort one another with hugs and emotional support, to be physically present is so hard on the spirit and the emotions. I cannot begin to imagine how devastating it is for those in nursing homes. My aunt also battled cancer for many years, but at least she was at home with her loved ones right to the end. This has been a horrific year, especially for the elderly and their families.

    This is a beautiful tribute to your father, Annmarie. I am so sorry for your losses.

    Liked by 2 people

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