Happy Mother’s Day

It is that time of year again, that time to honor mothers.  I generally post a tribute to my own mother on this day.  She has been gone for eleven years now but she is still very much in my thoughts – today and most every other day of the year.

Mom & family – Denise, Pete, Jeanne, Mom, Elaine, Me & Lorraine

However, despite my admiration for my mother’s dedication, determination, and efforts to keep us alive and in line to adulthood, my Mother’s Day post this year isn’t really about her. 🙄

This year my Mother’s Day post is about me and my life as a mother (and grandmother).

Me – as an aging mother and early years grandmother
My littles – Jennifer, Mark, and Daniel

Being the mother of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers was the greatest experience of my  life.   My littles were perfect, adorable, innocent wee souls.  As a bonus, I was  blessed with the endless strength and stamina to keep them fed and clothed, clean and happy.   AND  as if that was not bonus enough – I got  to prove that,  having learned from all of the mistakes that my own mother made raising me,  I  could and would do MUCH better raising mine.   

The years of elementary school were still pretty doable.  All three of my kids made it safely from one grade to the next.   I started working full-time,  I did everything I could to give my parents the help they needed when my father developed cancer and the four years of hell that entailed,  but my kids were always first and foremost.     Again, I kept them fed and clothed, cared for, and cleaned up after – as well as attending their concerts, school, and sporting events.    Go Mom!

My teens – Dan, Jennifer, (me), and Mark

With their early teen years, came major changes in our lives.    My father passed away and shortly thereafter I took my kids, our dog, and my favourite plant – precious little else – and moved across the city from their father.   The first year and a half we lived on a wish and a prayer. 

We lived in a lower level duplex (basement apartment if you want to get technical).  I started working two full time jobs.  My kids were great, as were their friends – a number of whom soon became regular members of our little family.  I kept them all fed, kept mine clothed and in school(s).  Three separate schools because they had very different preferences.  I saved and took us and my mother on a week’s vacation to a summer resort.   I bought a much newer and more reliable vehicle (A  shiny turbo charged Silver & Black convertible).   And I moved us into a true side by side duplex with a full finished basement, two bathrooms, and an amazing laundry room.   I bought our very own barbecue and lawnmower.  We had room to spare, which my kids filled with more of their friends – who I fed on a regular basis. 

My kids were fed, clothed, clean and happy!  I was THE MOM – the mom that full grown adults wished they had. 

Finally, I met and married Dan.  He loved me, he loved my family and he was, and is, there for all of us.

And then, all too soon,  my kids were all grown up.  They moved out, married, and had their own kids – adorable, affectionate, brilliant kids (who love me and adore Grandpa Dan).   And then…  my kids were suddenly hell bent on being the parent I apparently never was.    No repeating my mistakes,  no stressing over mismatched socks or broken curfews, no serving up fish sticks and jellied salad. 

Four of the kids kids

The more they realized just how inadequate I was as a parent, the more they  realized that it was I who was responsible for every bad decision they had ever made and every challenge that life had  ever presented.  Good times!

To be honest – they all turned out to be responsible adults and really good parents who do their best to be the best parent their kids could have.  But, these last years have hardly been living the dream family wise.

The good news is that things are improving.  I am on good terms with one son and my daughter – and with their families and significant others.   Unfortunately, my family is a work in progress,  but here’s hoping and praying.  

Happy Mother’s Day!

April 22nd Update

It is incredible that we are 1/3rd of the way through this year already but HERE WE ARE!

It has been four months since I ran across an article on sinuses and upper respiratory infections and gotten back on track to a fit and healthy life.  I have been hitting my aerobic workout six mornings a week and acing the most intense ones.  I am doing weights three nights a week and that is going well.  I am consistently gaining strength and beginning to show some toning in my arms and my back.  I have begun working on muscles that I did not even know I had.  

I have also been continuing my sinus care,  including the Neti Pot rinses every evening.  The results have been phenomenal.  I am breathing easier, my coughing is minimal compared to what it was, I have not had any asthma/COPD/or bronchiectasis flare ups  and my vision continues to improve.   Even when we are out at night, the glare from headlights and streetlights do not bother me in the least!

On the family front, I had a good visit from my daughter this past week.  A stop in for a few minutes turned into a tea party for a few hours.   We also had a visit from granddaughter Genie who came to get Grandpa to trim some boards for her.  She brought me a beautiful bouquet to honor my mother’s passing eleven years ago Saturday.

Saturday, we had the pleasure of attending a band concert that granddaughter Maddy was performing in.   It was an amazing opportunity for her to be accepted into the Saskatchewan Youth Honor Band.  There were three bands involved – elementary school, high school, and adult.  They had ONE DAY to practice together before the concert.  Each band played for thirty minutes and to wrap up the night all three bands joined together to perform “Let’s Go Band”.    The joy and enthusiasm and passion of the performers (especially in that last piece) was just over the top.    The performers and their directors did a fantastic job of coming together! 

Trombonist ….  Maddy 💞

Finally!  Molly has been really good for the past week or so.  She stayed home alone while we attended Maddy’s concert and there wasn’t a thing out of place when we returned home.   She is doing great!

Mature Molly 💞

That is all I have for now.  Take care and have a great rest of the day!🌞


Being as this is Monday, it is time to choose my focus for the week and this week I have chosen to focus on confidence.    This won’t be an easy one for me, as I have a serious tendency to lean towards insecurity.   Regardless of what I have endured, survived, and succeeded at in life, confidence has always been and remains a challenge for me. 

It is beyond time for me to make a conscious effort to rectify this situation.  To help get me on the right path, I turned to Google to source out what advice the experts have to offer.

Know your value.  Confidence breeds success. Act like the person you want to become and people will start seeing you as that person.  – Mark M. Ford
When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things.  – Joe Nameth
Don’t let others define you.  Don’t let the past confine you.   Take charge of your life with confidence and there are no limits to what you can do or be.  – Michael Josephson
Experience tells you what you can do; confidence allows you to do it.  – Stan Smith
Self-confidence is very important.  Not in the sense of self pride, but as a realistic awareness of what we can do. – Dalai Lama
In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can. – Nikos Kazantzakis
I am always looking outside of myself for strength and confidence but it comes from within.  It is there all the time.  – Anna Freud
I am not a has beenI am a will be.  – Lauren Bacall

That should give me plenty to work with this week!

Have a great day and take care! 🌞💞

April 3rd Update

It is APRIL and yes I have graduated to my new eight pound dumbbells!   I definitely feel the difference between them and the five pound ones that I was using but I can work with them so I am pretty excited about that!

Getting there!

As great as it is to be able to up my workouts, the real payoff is feeling better, looking better, and being strong enough to LIVE my life.   When we woke up to a heavy dump of spring snow last week, I got out there,  grabbed our shovel, and cleared all of our walks.  About a hundred feet of deep wet snow and I crushed it. 💪

Dan took Molly to the dogpark yesterday morning, as usual.   Somewhat overnight, all of the snow had melted leaving Molly and her friends to run and wrestle in the mud. 

Molly & Ripple

Fortunately, with a bit of a brushing and her ‘self cleaning’ fur, we were able to put off bathing Molly for a few days.   If our weather holds,  the yard and park should dry enough to warrant a bath on the weekend.

Not looking too shabby!

We celebrated Easter this past weekend with a supper on Saturday for daughter Jen and family.  I wasn’t up for our typical turkey and ham extravaganza, so we opted for a celebration of spring.   We had a picnic type supper of chicken and ribs, assorted salads, pickles, and potato chips.  The honey garlic ribs were the biggest hit but all was enjoyed and appreciated.  With a cake, fresh fruit, lemon butter, ice cream and whipped cream for desert no one left the table hungry. 

Jen had to work early Sunday morning (6:30 early 😯) so she and her boyfriend Tanner left once the dishes were done and the kitchen set right.

The girls stayed behind to visit, have tea, and work on their chess skills.

Genie & Molly
Prim & Maddy

Alec (Genie’s fiance) had to work Saturday evening, but he dropped by to visit earlier in the afternoon and to deliver a beautiful bouquet of spring flowers.   Fortunately, Genie got off of work early so she was able to come and spend some time with him.   And…  Of course she packed up leftovers so he could have his Easter supper when he got home.   🍽️ 💞

Flowers from Alec

That is about it for today.  Dan is up in the kid’s playhouse straightening up and scrubbing the floor so I can start using it as a little greenhouse for the seedlings I started last week.    I have a few more to start so I should get to work on that.

Take care and have a great day! 🌞💞

Family, Fitness & Health, and Molly’s New Pal

I don’t have much to say on any front but I do have a few updates to share.

First off, today is our granddaughter Prim’s birthday – which, as always,  comes the day after our granddaughter (Prim’s sister) Maddy’s birthday. 

Prim (12) and Maddy (14)

We had a joint birthday party on Saturday with Make Your Own Pizza Subs and birthday cake provided by their Mom. (my daughter Jennifer)

Sibling love – Rory, Maddy, Genie, & Prim 💞

Second…  Molly has a new friend, as Jennifer now has her dog Sasha.  Molly and Sasha get along just fine.  Molly and I went for a short walk with Maddy and Sasha yesterday.  Sasha was a little stressed at being in a new area but when it would get too much, she would get as close to Molly as she could and Molly would lean protectively towards her.  It was cute and more than a little touching.

This was the first time Molly met Sasha – early last spring. 💞

Finally, I am on top of my daily workouts.  I am ready to move up to my new eight pound weights in a few days.  I am feeling well.   I continue to work on my sinuses by using my neti pot in the evening, meditating before bed,  and sitting up and sleeping braced up with pillows.  It is amazing what a difference it has all made.  My entire upper respiratory system has improved significantly! Finally! 😊

That is it for now.  All in all, things are good.  I cannot wait to get out and work in the yard, see the grass and trees turn green, the flowers bloom, the squirrels scamper and the hear the  birdies sing. 

The parks and paths will soon be calling me!

Take care and have a great day. 💞🌞

Spring Has Sprung…

Today is the first full day of spring! Even though it is a dull and dreary day, I am such a fan of spring that I can’t help feeling this is a day to be celebrated.  💐

It is a day that I am reminded of my Mother.  Like me, she loved spring and I remember her often reciting the following  poem….

“Spring has sprung, the grass iz riz

I don’t remember the rest of the poem and from the variety of versions I found on the internet I am confident no one else remembers either.   

I did find one particularly shocking version from Australia that did not sound familiar…

Spring has sprung,
The grass has riz.
I wonder where the birdies is?
Tiny weeny wittle things,
Have no feathers on their wings.
Cannot fly and cannot sing…
Chop their bloody heads off.” 😲

There was another (less shocking) version that claimed the birdies were on the wing, high in the sky, dropping bird poop in my eye.     That one didn’t ring any bells either.  🙄

Mom,  with my teens (at the time)  Mark, Jennifer  & Daniel.

A more recent memory of spring that will never fade for me is a flashback to a month and a half  before the official return of spring two years ago – February 2nd, 2022.

I was sitting in my rocking chair, as I am now.  Unlike now, I was cold and miserable and exhausted and ill.    My King Charles Cavalier (Kat) was on the sofa close to me.

I was feeling down because the groundhogs that reported had indicated that we were in for another six weeks of winter.  I wanted spring.  I needed spring. I had so many plans  for spring – spring cleaning, spring planting, spring painting.  Then reality struck and I realized that if I did not get up and moving and building up some strength and stamina,  the arrival of spring would mean nothing to me.  I would not even be able to walk my precious little Kat when the sun was shining, the skies were blue, and the grass and leaves were green.   I would be sitting in my rocking chair feeling cold and miserable and exhausted and ill. 

It took me two weeks but I got off my chair and started my journey to health and fitness.

This year I can legitimately anticipate spring and start planning accordingly.  On Sunday, I planted containers of flower seeds to be transplanted outdoors when the time comes.  Our shed/grandkids playhouse is overdue for attention.  Our patios need pressure washing.   Sadly our little Kat is gone, but I am looking forward to hiking with Dan and Molly.

Molly is ready to go!

Spring is here and this year I am ready for it! 🌞🧑‍🌾💪

Take care and have a great (spring) day! 💞🌞

March 17th – St. Patrick’s Day

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

St. Patrick’s Day was always a big day in our home when I was growing up.  To be honest,  St. Patrick was not the only focus of our celebration.    On Match 17th, we  celebrated St. Patrick’s Day as well as my father’s birthday.

My father was born on March 17th, 1909.  He passed away on December 17th, 1993.  It is inconceivable that he has been physically gone for over thirty years.  To this day, I feel his presence in my life.  

Those we love don’t go away.  They walk beside us every day.  Unseen, unheard but always near.  –  Alex MacLean

My father was French.  His parents were French.   His ancestors were French.  His first language was French.  But, he always had a bit of that Irish leprechaun in him.  He   barely reached 5′ high, he had a quirky sense of humor, he had a twinkle in his eye, and no matter what… he always had a spring in his step.  

This morning, I received multiple videos from my daughter-in-law Amanda.  Some mischievous leprechaun ransacked their home last night leaving a trail of green books and toys and  treats that he had rummaged through.  There were also ‘gold’ coins that he had conveniently dropped for our five year old grandson Cason to discover.    It was hilarious to see Cason’s reaction as he discovered the chaos and heartwarming to know that the tradition of celebrating St. Patrick’s Day has returned to our family. ☘️

In honor of this Irish holiday and all those who are celebrating it today….

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

The rains fall soft upon your fields,

And until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Take care and have a great day! 💞☘️🌞

March 14th Update

“Take pride in how far you have come and have faith in how far you can go.”
– Paula Finn

One month in from starting Year 3 of my health and fitness journey and things are still moving along.

I have been doing my aerobic workouts every morning and I am excited to be moving up in the intensity.   I have also been  working on my strength training.  I have been crushing the five pound dumbbells this time around and I am confident that I am ready for the eight pound weights next month.  Once I bump up to the next level, the sky’s the limit! 💪

I went for my first walk since November a few days ago!  It is very humid out and there are patches of snow and ice to maneuver around but it felt good to get out there and move in the fresh air.

The neighbourhood bunnies don’t mind the snow, ice, or water puddles.  There were four or five of them hopping around our front lawn yesterday.

My biggest news this week is that my daughter has joined a gym in the mall where she works.  I am seriously planning to go check it out.  I know I have always said ‘never’ but I have always been kind of curious.   I’m not saying I am ready to commit, and if I do it would probably be one closer to home.    But…  I need to get out of my comfort zone.

In other recent news, Dan and I went to Prim and Maddy’s school assembly last week.  Both of them played in the school band and Maddy was one of the MC’s for the general assembly.

Prim on sax, Maddy on trombone.

And speaking of Maddy…  We are so proud that our Maddy has been accepted into the Saskatchewan Youth Honor Band.   She is so dedicated and hard working, she absolutely deserves any honors she receives.

Maddy – our shining star!

Fun fact that I learned this week…  All of our grandchildren – Maddy and younger belong to what is known as the Alpha Generation.    I swear, that term is perfect for these kids.  They are strong, resilient, determined, talented, and brilliant.   They are amazing – every one of them. 

That is it for this week!  Take care and have a great day!

Happy Leap Day

Any day is a great day to start a new workout program,  but what day could be better than LEAP DAY !

Before I started my “Health and Fitness” journey, I had countless excuses for not working out on a regular basis.    My favourite one had to be “I don’t feel well”.   Seriously?  Feeling unwell tends to happen when one barely moves from one week to the next. 

Now, I have been on this journey for two years.  For every excuse that I have dropped, I have gained a dozen benefits.  My favourite one …. I feel good! I especially feel good during and following my morning aerobics class.    Stretching, bending, stepping, and leaping loosens every muscle and joint and just gets your blood moving.   It is fun and like any good fitness program, the classes start off easy enough for a beginner and get progressively more challenging.

This is the class I did this morning.  

Later in the day, I will do some strength training with five pound dumbbells and a few basic exercises like squats and pushups.  They are not as much fun, in my mind, but super important as we age.  

Whatever you do today, take care and have a good one! ☺️ 💞

Year 2

Two years ago, I set out on a health and fitness journey.   I didn’t have any specific goal in mind.  I was just done with  being unhealthy and unfit.   I was done with struggling to do anything – walk, breathe, bend over to put on my shoes – ANYTHING!  So it began…

Year One was all about fitness and I crushed it.    I was ecstatic over the benefits that I was seeing on a weekly basis.  My strength and stamina improved.  Household chores and daily workouts grew in intensity and I was up for the task.  I lost a few pounds and  tightened up in a few places.  I was happy about how I was looking and feeling.

By the end of Year One, I could feel a shift coming on.  What had started out as all about fitness, was about to become all about health.

In late fall of 2022, I came down with a flu. (Covid vers. 4.0 ?)   I was sick!   Sicker than I had been in years.  I had fever, chills, sore throat,  nausea, and a brutal cough.  Within a couple of weeks, I had total laryngitis.  The only thing missing from my typical bouts of pneumonia was the ‘coughing up blood’.   Since our health system was still dealing with Covid outbreaks, it was difficult to impossible to see my family doctor or my respiratory specialist.   With a history of asthma, COPD, and bronchiectasis, I dealt with with my regular inhalers, sleep, and rest.  By the time Christmas was over, I was back to almost normal – with a lingering cough. 

I was feeling ok, so I started working out again – doing my morning aerobics and evening weights.  I was on track to end Year One strong and Head into Year Two of my Health & Fitness journey.   Until… Our dog Molly accidentally slammed into me at the dogpark and knocked me face down on the frozen ground.  My face was fine.  My left arm, not so much.    My humerus neck was broken and  the ball had suffered  four or five good cracks.

Molly and her Friends racing around the park. 

Fortunately, because I was relatively fit from my Year One workouts, I was able to heal without surgery.  I kept relatively active, and in nine weeks, I was cleared to return to my regular workout routine of aerobics and weights.   The Ambulatory Care doctor who had originally been concerned about my potential recovery time was surprised  and happy with how quickly and how well I had healed. 

By now, it was early March and I was fine,  except for my digestive issues.  For three years, I had been struggling with bloating, stabbing abdominal pains, nausea, etc.  my doctor sent me for blood tests and scans of all of my internal organs.    I was sent to a kidney specialist for specific tests, and I had an umbilical hernia repair done.   My hernia  surgeon prescribed a year (of double the typical daily dose)  of medication for excess stomach acid.  I was tested for celiac disease (gluten intolerance).  Every test and scan came back fine but the symptoms were worse than ever.   

This went on until one morning in May, when it occurred to me that this had been going on since I retired.  I couldn’t remember it being a particular issue when I worked.  It also occurred to me that since I retired I had been having toast for breakfast – virtually every morning.  I knew the problem was not gluten.  Then  I remembered that my daughter was allergic to yeast – and that such allergies are hereditary.    I quit eating (and/or drinking) anything made with yeast and my digestive issues disappeared like magic.  

I was back on track for all of about two weeks…. and the smoke from northern Alberta forest fires started to drift south.   I started to cough and cough and cough.  I was feverish, achy, and feeling rough.    I went straight to my respiratory specialist.   He prescribed antibiotics and oral steroids and ordered x-rays and blood tests.  The x-rays showed what could be infection and my blood tests indicated the presence of infection.    Everything pointed to another lung infection.   A few days after starting the medications, I felt better.  In June, I was back to working out as much as I could, while dealing with a lingering cough.  

In July, the smoke from forest fires got worse and once again my health tanked.  I went back to my respiratory specialist.  He prescribed more antibiotics, more oral steroids.  He ordered more x-rays and blood tests and he sent me to a respiratory therapist for lung function testing.   The results for the x-rays and blood tests were the same as those done in May and the lung function test showed 75% lung function.   I took antibiotics and steroids and things improved – except for the all too familiar lingering cough. 

August,  September, and in to October  were great months!  I amped up my aerobics,  I added more weights to my strength training exercises, and Dan and I started hiking in and around Regina.   Molly was excited about this new Sunday activity.  Dan and I were both enjoying the time we spent out in nature, challenging ourselves and our bodies to new heights.

A family hike through waterfall park.

In October, Dan and I agreed to go up to Lloydminster to keep son Dan’s kids, dogs, and house while he and his wife Amanda took a well deserved holiday in Mexico.   While I packed and started getting ready for our two week adventure,  I felt a little off.  My respiratory therapist happened to call to see how I was doing and she strongly advised me to start on another round of antibiotics and oral steroids before we headed out. (By now I  had such prescriptions available ‘on demand’ at our pharmacy).  I took her advice and started the meds before we left.

Bowling with Lucas and Cason

Our time in Lloyd went well.  The boys were off school for a week while we there,  but they were  easy to feed and entertain.  Lucas was great at keeping Cason entertained when we ran thin on ideas.    For the most part they took care of their dogs.  Their older sister Gabby,  was back and forth between her university classes and her part time job.  When she was home, she was a huge help with the boys and around the house.   All in all it was a great time!

My health held until we headed home and drove through Saskatoon.  Then things went from bad to worse.   I had an appointment scheduled with my respiratory therapist in a few days, so I held off until I could see her and get her thoughts.   She thought I had best see my respiratory specialist sooner than later so she called his office and made sure I was in to see him the next morning.  More x-rays, more, blood tests, more oral steroids and more antibiotics.  Stronger antibiotics.  Antibiotics developed to cure tuberculosis and/or the plague. (Levaquin).

A couple of weeks later, I was back to see my specialist for a follow up appointment.  He said I looked good.  I said I didn’t feel ‘good’.    And I was still coughing.  He said the cough would clear up in a few days.  It didn’t.

Meanwhile my respiratory therapist was calling every few days to see how I was doing.    My cough got worse.  She had me try an OTC medication to break down mucus and make it easier to cough up.  She suggested I try a small device that helps clear and strengthen one’s lungs.   By Christmas, she strongly suggested I try another round of antibiotics and steroids from our pharmacy.    I got them, but they seemed to be less effective than ever.

We hosted daughter Jennifer and family for Christmas Eve supper.  It was brutal.  I coughed until I was sure I had torn my umbilical hernia repair open.  I coughed while draining the potatoes and poured boiling water on myself.  I couldn’t eat, because I would choke and cough.  After they left and we had cleaned up, I went to bed.  As soon as I laid down the coughing got worse.   By this time, bedtime coughing was the norm.  I was sadly lacking in sleep.  I was staying indoors because fresh air made me cough – as did talking, eating, sitting, or breathing.  I quit using the lung exercise device that my therapist had suggested and had stopped working out.  I lost weight.  I stopped doing anything that triggered my coughing.  That was pretty much anything and everything.

I would cough up so much mucus that I pretty much assumed that at some point I would drown.  I knew that I was dying.  I still wasn’t coughing up blood, I could still comfortably take a deep breath (which triggered coughing but I could do it).  My lungs did not feel swollen or sore.  But I knew that I was dying.   My respite therapist was concerned that I would go into respiratory arrest.  She had me take my blood oxygen readings and pulse every day and send them to her.   She called every few days.   She wanted me to see a doctor, my specialist,  hospital emergency room staff SOMEONE – ANYONE but it was Christmas holidays, access was difficult, and despite the fact that I was convinced I was dying – I didn’t feel sick. 

Son Dan, his wife Amanda, and son Cason  arrived a couple of days after Christmas.   They stayed at a hotel but as usual we kept their dogs.   We had meals, we had daughter Jen and her family over for an evening.  On New Year’s Eve, we had  Cason and granddaughters Maddy and Prim over for supper and boardgames while Dan and Amanda went out for supper and to celebrate their anniversary.   

That night after everyone left, I sat down to check out the news on my phone.  I happened across a shutdown at a hospital ward in Ontario based on an outbreak of sorts.    I read the article and followed from one link to another until I came across one discussing sinusitis and post nasal drip.    

For a year, I had believed – and I had convinced everyone else –  that I was coughing mucus up from my lungs.  I suddenly realized that this was not the case.  I had been coughing out mucus that was running down from my sinuses.   For the first time in a year, everything made sense.

I started reading up on how to deal with sinus issues.  Husband Dan got me a pad for my rocking chair, so I would naturally sit up straighter.  He got me a chair pillow for bed so I could sit up and meditate before I settled in for the night.  I spoke to my respiratory therapist and she suggested using my neti pot to flush my sinuses every night.  Dan and I started drinking a cup of hot tea every night and I started taking a teaspoon of honey twice a day. 

Within three days, I was noticeably better.  I was sleeping solid every night.  I was eating.  My blood oxygen and pulse were back to normal.  I started working out again.   Dan and I have been out for supper and shopping and on warmer days I spend time outside, enjoying the fresh air. 

Two months later, I am still doing well.  I still have lingering sinus issues and still cough up some mucus but it is nothing compared to where I was at.  I am sure that once spring arrives, with more sun and warmth and drier air, I will be fine.  I will die eventually, but my death is certainly not eminent.

In Year One I could easily see the progress that I made fitness wise and the benefits I reaped.  In Year Two, I was able to maintain my fitness level but in my mind it was a personal fail – which taught me a huge lesson.    Over and over, when my health was tested – I failed.  I made automatic assumptions based on past experiences or accepted the assumptions that others put out there.    I listened to everything except what my body was telling me. 

I recently began YEAR 3 of my health and fitness journey.  I don’t know what lies ahead or what lessons I will learn.  I can only hope that after the past two years, I am in a position to learn a little quicker and possibly save myself and others a lot of grief.

Looking forward to another (and many more) hiking seasons with Dan & Molly 💞

Take care and have a great day! 💞🌞