Year Two – Week Thirteen & Fourteen

I’m back! It has been a few days since I have been on here, but fortunately it is not because I fell off of my Health & Fitness journey. I have just been rather busy. 🙄

First off, it has been mostly beautiful weather here so I have been outside cleaning up the yard and getting ready for summer. Secondly, we took a short trip up north to visit son Dan and family – and to help them prepare for granddaughter Gabby’s graduation party I did a lot of baking (while Dan was out shopping for a lot of fresh fruit to serve with said baking.) Third, I have been working really diligently to stay on course with my health and fitness program.

Getting There…

Speaking of health and fitness… Physically things have been going well. I did faceplant on our cement patio (chasing Molly) a few days ago. My skin has mostly grown back but my glasses were a write off – hence the new look.

Mentally and emotionally, I am crushing it. I am reading “Be Your Future Self Now” by Dr. Benjamin Hardy. It is one of those works that is just brilliant. There is so much wisdom to be found in every chapter. One such example “We all have a future ahead of us. In 10 years, 20 years, we will become our future selves. The question is: Who will your future self be?

If I had stayed the course fifteen months ago, my future self would have been pretty pathetic. Right now, I would be pretty pathetic – and miserable to boot. I am so grateful that I began making better choices last February. I am reaping the rewards now and loving it! 💖

I have started a timeline for becoming my future self. I have already reached my first goal – to be calm and confident. There’s always room for improvement (and I intend to keep working on it) but I have to say, I crushed it this weekend. My next goal is to be healthy, strong, and fit by August 11th. I am working hard to get there! Every goal met is encouragement to set more and to improve further on the ones I reach. Exciting stuff!

That’s about where I am at these days. We were not at Dan and Amanda’s for long this weekend, but husband Dan did manage to get a few cute photos of grandson Lucas hanging out with Molly. Molly was amazing this weekend. She even spent a fair amount of time strolling around leashless which was pretty cool to see. She was SO happy loping around free and easy.

That’s it for today. I hope everyone is keeping well. Take care and have a great rest of the day! 🌞💞

37 thoughts on “Year Two – Week Thirteen & Fourteen

  1. You’re welcome! By the way, I have changed my posting schedule as of Monday. Posts will now be twice per day now to allow more people to see what I’ve uploaded to share. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on following and sticking to your health and fitness goal. It’s not easy so you have done brilliantly. You must be really pleased with the results of all your hard work. Inspiring.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Man’sweakness

    Man has many weak points,which are in fact diseases.The Shaytaan
    exacerbates these diseases in the heart of man. Indeed, they are the
    points of the Shaytaans entry into man’s soul.

    Among these diseases are:
    weakness, despair, hopelessness, recklessness,inappropriate joy,
    self admiration, pride, wrongdoing, oppression, denial, ingratitude,
    haste, negligence, foolishness, miserliness, stinginess, covetousness,
    argumentativeness, doubt, suspicion, ignorance, carelessness,going to
    extremes of hostility in cases of dispute, arrogance,false claims, panic,
    fear,withholding charity,rebellion,tyranny,overstepping the limits,
    love of wealth,and being infatuated with this world.

    Islam calls upon people to reform themselves and to rid themselves of
    their diseases.

    This requires effort and patience to bear the difficulties on
    the way.
    But as for following one’s desires and what the self
    which enjoins
    evil is inclined towards,that is very easy.

    The former(i.e.,reforming
    oneself,etc.)is like a person climbing with a rock to they
    a mountain,
    and the latter

    (i.e.,following one’s desires,etc)is like a person coming
    down from the top of a mountain to the bottom.
    Hence many people
    answer the call of the shaitan,and those who call people to the truth
    encounter difficulties,and how difficult it is to call people to Allah.



  4. You look great, Anne and by the way your glasses are nice. I love the photos of Lucas and Molly they are just adorable. The last one gave me a giggle, they are both sitting in the same position. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you, Mags! I am getting used to the glasses. It makes one wonder how they can produce sauce economical lenses and frames for online sale and they cost so much locally. These were a quarter of the price I usually pay, the quality is as good or better, and I got them sooner than if I had ordered them here. It was great to see Lucas and Molly bonding. They are both maturing these days and their relationship is as well. 💞 I hope all is well with you.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hmmm… Nice looking spectaculars there! And nice to make with your acquaintance! I’m new… Well not brand new! I’ve been here 2 days already and can’t tare myself away. Lovely dog! I’m alone so I would just love a dog but they are all out of my price range: 50 cents. LOL! I remember a time when you didn’t have to buy a dog. One would just follow you home :0) Pleasant read!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Molly has turned enormous! LOL. You encourage me to keep at my fitness goals. Thanks. We have “enjoyed” Canadian air here first from the fires in the west and today from the fires in Halifax. I much prefer visiting Canada itself!

    Liked by 1 person

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