2024 has arrived in Saskatchewan with a blast of frigid weather.Β Β  We have been experiencing wind chills of -50 Celsius, snow and ice. I am fortunate to be retired and able to experience it from the comfort of our cozy little home. For all those who have no choice but to be out and about – it can and will only get better.

Is that a promise? πŸ™„

2023 was my ‘Groundhog Day’ of health and fitness.Β  Following my broken arm and multiple recurring respiratory issues, I finally have a handle on things.Β  I’m working out six days a week and on track to enjoying a fit and healthy 2024!

68 going on 69 πŸ’ͺ

For me, 2023 was a year of setbacks, spinning wheels, and failing to get much accomplished (including regular posts on social media).Β Β  This, despite the fact that we had plenty happening, most of which was quite positive, and much of which I am excited to share – like Dan’s recent retirement!☺️ πŸŽ‰

2024 is shaping up to be an exciting year and I look forward to doing a better job of sharing it – at least the highlights!

Take care, keep warm and have a great rest of the day! πŸ’žπŸŒž

June 1st Health & Fitness Update

Anyone who knows me here would think that I haven’t been here because I am busy working out, basking in the sunshine and fresh air, walking my dog Molly, and just living the good life….

Molly – walking herself at the off leash dog park.

No, you would be wrong.Β  I am sick again.Β Β  Sucking in Alberta wildfire smoke for a week with chronic lung issues was just a bad idea. Now I deal with a full-blown lung infection. (Sorry Alberta – not your fault. Although, if they can add additives to cigarettes and fabrics to make them fireproof, you could probably spray down your trees with something similar. Just saying. 🧐)

So, I am sick and it’s another setback to add to my journey – which is starting to look like a Saskatchewan construction zone.

Not all is lost! First of all, I’m pretty sure I had a lingering infection from my pre-Christmas respiratory flu extravaganza, so getting worse to the point of getting it actually cleared up is probably a good thing. And, I have time to focus on my recent diet change. It has only taken me three years to figure out my bloating, heartburn, and other digestive issues. After tons of blood tests and scans for everything from celiac disease to fatty liver – eureka – I have figured out that (like my daughter) I am allergic to baker’s yeast. I don’t usually eat that much bread and such, but three years ago when I retired I started having a couple of toasts for breakfast every morning – in addition to any other foods containing baker’s yeast that I was eating. I cut that out of my diet and the results have been amazing. But, I am discovering there are a lot of foods that have baker’s yeast in them – like KFC chicken 😯, panko crumbs, English muffins, the list goes on and on! Now, we are working on finding yeast free alternatives. Fortunately, husband Dan is being super accommodating and helpful. It’s kind of rough – but all around really good. πŸ€—

Also, I got right in to see my respiratory specialist and got the antibiotics and oral steroids to get my lungs cleared up. Yea for the quick appointment and for the meds of course.

Been through the good, the bad, the great, the sad here. (sounding kind of Dr Zeusy) Now we get to the downright weird.

My specialist also gave me requisitions for blood tests and x-rays that I needed done. OK, that’s fair. I went to my regular medi-clinic to get the x-rays done today. It is a physician’s office with an x-ray department. I made an appointment and they got me right in. πŸ‘

I get to the clinic and from the front door to the reception desk there are FIVE signs (each one bigger than the last) that read “DO NOT ENTER MEDICAL CLINIC IF YOU ARE SICK OR FEELING ILL”. Wtf is this latest improvement to healthcare? Do not go to a health clinic if you are sick? Where would you like me to go? (Never mind… ) 🀦

I had a mask on, I strutted (snuck maybe) in, like the rebel I am and made it through reception and x-ray without being taken down or tossed out. Phew! (I might be found out when someone looks at my x-rays.)

That’s my update for this week – no workouts or work for that matter. Just ailing and healing. Again! 😒

We did have a nice little shower one day. πŸ˜‚. Not really funny – the city was flooded pretty bad.

Have a great happy, healthy, sunny, day! πŸŒžπŸ’žπŸ€—.

Week 35 – I’m Back!

After a week or so of questionable health issues, I have finally shaken off whatever was bothering me. The timing could not be better as yesterday we had our first blast of Saskatchewan winter. It was wet. It was windy. Fortunately, it was not terribly cold, with the temperature hovering at about the freezing point.

It was a perfect day to get out and practice some serious snow removal and to watch Molly zig, zag, and zoom through her first snow of the year. Unlike our little Kat who was not a fan of the white stuff, Molly loves the snow. She loves to slide around on our icy patios. ANDShe loves to race into the house soaking wet and grinning ear to ear from her adventure.

As for my thirty five week update – I am back to my full workout, my meditation, and my weights (starting with the nine sets – again!). I didn’t walk Molly yesterday and today may be the same. We did get lots of outdoor exercise yesterday and there is more snow to move today, as it snowed off and on during the night. I am not sure how icy the streets and sidewalks to the park are, so we will have to see before I decide on a walk. By tomorrow, it should be safe enough, as we are due to see some sun and warmer temperatures that should clean things up to a safe level.

Genie and I did take Molly for a walk a few days ago, and for a run in the park. Genie put together a short video of our outing. It is a first effort, but she did catch a few of Molly’s runs!

That’s it for today. Take care and have a great day!πŸ’žβ˜ƒοΈ

Signs of Summer

It has been a long time coming, but we are finally seeingΒ  signs of Summer in Saskatchewan.Β 

These are a few of the photos I took yesterday while wandering around.Β Β  If I had a theme for our yard this year, I am not seeing it yet.Β Β  The bits and pieces of colour seem pretty random.

Wild Flowers surrounding the bird bath.
A Pansy
A Petunia blooming in the welcome basket.
Marigolds to keep mosquitos away.Β  We’ll see?
Petunias from Unique Garden Centre.
A Primrose for our granddaughter ‘Primrose’
More Pansies
A perennial we have had for years.Β  I have no idea what it is but I move it every few years and it blooms wherever it goes.
A Petunia overlooking the pond.Β  I am totally impressed with all of the petunias I started from seed this year.Β  πŸ˜‰

That’s it for today. Take care and have a great day! πŸ€—πŸ’ž

One Extreme to the Other

I haven’t had much happening this week, so thought I would spare everyone the non-details.

We did get another foot or so of snow in the past few days. We are running out of place to put it – as is everyone else.

Front yard
Started shoveling out
Back yard – Kat’s path is a bit snowed under.
Seems like a good time to start seedlings.
Waiting to see some greenery…πŸ™„

The snow is a lot deeper than it looks. It is the way the shots were taken. I got quite a few seeds started – mostly flowers but I did start a few peppers, tomatoes, and onions.

Anyway, that’s the excitement in my life for now. Take care and have a great day!πŸ’ž

February 11th – For the Love of Trees

Back in June of 2020, I shared a post dedicated to the trees around our neighbourhood. For my update today, I give you – more trees!


There is nothing more perfect than the beautiful imperfection of trees. 🌲

That’s all for today. Take care and have a great day! πŸ’ž

January 24th – Sunday Supper

The mercury took another major dip this morning.Β  It is a good day to stay inside and do laundry.Β  Unfortunately for Dan, we also need groceries so he is out into the cold and onto the icy roads to go shopping this morning.

With our weather as mild as it was yesterday, the snow on the patio packed down considerably before I got out to shovel a path for Kat.Β  Needless to say, it weighed a ton – and I have to throw it about six feet over a pile of snow to get it off the patio and onto the garden area. Kat got half her path cleaned, I got a sore shoulder, and it is what it is until until our weather moderates again.Β  πŸ™‚

Yesterday, being Sunday, seemed like a good day to make a real meal for supper.Β Β Β  I took out a generousΒ  package of stewing beef to make gnocchi stew.Β  After defrosting the beef for a couple of hours, I realized we were out of gnocchi, so….. stuffed pork roast it was.

Spreading out the stuffing…
Rolled up and oven ready… (Have I mentioned I love our new stove?)
Making gravy – I only mention it because I really like my gravy mixer.Β  It came free on a bottle of wine, but it was worth the price of the wine.
Stuffed roast pork with mushroom sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy, mixed vegetables – and another glass of the Pelee Island Merlot.

That is it for today. Take care and have a great day!

January 12th – Hotdog!

We are still enjoying the break in our weather with the mercury reaching temperatures on the positive side today. It is only here for a few days, but we will take anything we can get.

Since I made a relatively hearty breakfast yesterday morning, we opted for another quick, easy supper.    We enjoyed the last of the smoky beans from a couple of nights ago, served up with hotdogs and a handful of potato chips.  For desert, we finished off the last of the saucy butterscotch pudding that I made earlier this week.

I am not a fan of condiments but a little of my homemade garlic dill relish on a hotdog definitely kicks it up a notch.
With all that cooking time I saved last night, I was able to finish the puzzle I have been working on. πŸ˜‰

Now all I have to do, is find myself a new winter project. It is bit early for bedding plants, but I could spend some time perusing seed catalogues! This warm spell has me seriously dreaming of spring. 🌱

My 2021 Seedlings

That is it for today. Take care and have a great day! πŸ’ž

December 23rd – Christmas Elves

Today I am celebrating a visit from a couple of Christmas Elves (or angels).

Last night we received another dump of the white stuff , along with strong winds. Dan is working today and of course shoveling a ton of snow is not on my recommended post-op activities. Dan left for work this morning, anticipating shovelling when he got home, as our snowblower is presently not inclined to blow snow. For those who have never owned a snowblower, they are seldom inclined to blow snow. πŸ™„

Here we are snowed in. 😏

So, obviously I felt bad for Dan – until this lovely couple about our age showed up, shovels in hand. They offered to clean all of our walks and the city sidewalk for twenty dollars. I offered a bonus if they cleared a little path for Kat on the garden side patio.

Clean & clear! ❄️

They did an amazing job. They practically cleaned off the patio – I told them it was plenty good. I gave them each twenty dollars and was happy to do it. I have no idea where they put the snow. I went out to check after they left, just out of curiosity, and found that they had even shoveled off the cement in the back yard! Our entire back yard is practically cement. I can hear our neighbour out shovelling now. I sure hope our snow didn’t go over the fence, even if they aren’t our favourite neighbours. Naughty elves? 😏

Anyway, that is it for today. Take care and have a great day!πŸ’ž

December 5th – Snowing❄️

‘The weather outside is frightful’ so what better way to celebrate the season than by sharing a few photos of our authenticcally Christmassy landscape.

Looking out our backdoor
Out to feed our furry and feathered friends
Different trees and bushes sporting their winter look
Ground cedar by our front steps
Snow covering the neighbourhood
Temps are celcius so yes it is as cold as it looks!

With a few more inches of snow to come and winds picking up, this will be an excellent day to curl up in front of the fireplace with a cup of tea or a glass of wine, a good book, and a warm dog. Celebrating the season the Canadian way. πŸŒ¨οΈβ˜ƒοΈπŸŒ¨οΈ

That is it for today, folks. Take care and have a beautiful Sunday! πŸ’ž